Term Frequecy Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)
Detecting the edibility of Mushrooms in the wild
Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma Detection (Cheers AI Demo)
Analytics for Ride Hailing Services
Synthetic Data Generation:
The Emojis of Kathmandu
Data in News Revisited
Devs in Nepal
Enhancing Decision-Making for Parents and Authorities, A Comprehensive Analysis and Mapping of School Performance in New York City
Flight delay prediction and exploration in the United States
Detecting the edibility of Mushrooms in the wild
Compiler from Scratch
Area of the Mandelbrot Set
The Faro Shuffle
Enhancing Decision-Making for Parents and Authorities, A Comprehensive Analysis and Mapping of School Performance in New York City
Flight delay prediction and exploration in the United States
Detecting the edibility of Mushrooms in the wild
The Beginner's Trap in analytics
Analytics for Ride Hailing Services
[Paper Exploration] In-Depth Analysis of the Segment Anything Model (SAM)
[Paper Exploration] Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
[Paper Exploration] Train Once, Test Anywhere: Zero-Shot Learning for Text Classification
[Paper Exploration] Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization
[Paper Exploration] Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures
[Paper Exploration] SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
[Paper Exploration] An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale
[Paper Exploration] A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions