kohokoho (को हो को हो !)

Are you an aspiring data analyst? Do clients hesitate to give you their data because of all the sensitive information in it?

Or, are you an entrepreneur hesitant to hire a data consultant due to the nature of your data?

Mask your data using kohokoho (को हो को हो !)

Kohokoho (को हो को हो) is a python package that anonymizes a dataset. Currently, it is still in its infancy and only supports a select few data types.

Feel free to contribute with code (it’s all open source), or by giving it a better name :D


pip install kohokoho


Installation (from source)

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ayushsubedi/kohokoho

CD into the cloned directory and create a virtualenv

python -m venv env

Enable virtualenv




source env/bin/activate

Install dependency packages from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the app

python kohokoho.py --csv={location of csv file}

Package link: https://pypi.org/project/kohokoho/

Test it here


Version-O Demo
