    The Beginner's Trap in analytics
    The stages in the analytics process is filled with moments of success and failures. There are some instant gratifications during the process, where a begginer like myself might construe a non success as success, due to some kind of judgement error.
    Analytics for Ride Hailing Services
    Analytics is extremely relevant in all aspects of ride-hailing. In this project, I merely covered a few use cases, with one or two relevant models. Even with this brief exploration, I can conclude that analytics can lead to better outcomes for both drivers and passengers.
    Synthetic Data Generation: eHamroPasalmandu.com
    eHamroPasalmandu is a fictional eCommerse based in Nepal. If it were operating for a year, this is what the data would look like (kind of, sort of).
    Sentiment Analysis starter code
    This is a starter code for Twitter sentiment analysis. Not to be used in prod.
    Nepal Vaccine Progress Twitter Bot
    This is a Twitter bot that shows progress on covid vaccination (full and partial) in Nepal. Like always, it is all open source (MIT). Contributions are appreciated.
    The Emojis of Kathmandu
    What emoji is popular in Kathmandu? Has it changed recently? Have we become more empathetic? 50K tweets between 2012 to 2021 (containing emojis, and geocoded to Kathmandu) were analyzed to study our affinity towards emojis.
    Data in News Revisited
    A proxy based indicator model to assess statistical literacy of a country. 101060 articles were analyzed to assess the use of data in media. The news articles are scraped from article URLs posted by the official news portal's account on twitter. The news portals that use twitter to post articles regularly are The Himalayan Times, Onlinekhabar, The Nepali Times, myRepublica, and The Kathmandu Post.
    CLI tool and web app for anonymization of datasets. Kohokoho (को हो को हो) is a python package that anonymizes a dataset. Feel free to contribute with code (it's all open source), or by giving it a better name.


    Devs in Nepal
    This dashboard facilitates a comparative study of the coding landscape in Nepal with the rest of the world. This tool will help visualize and understand developers, their demographic and geographic profile, motivation, education, coding preference and several other factors.
    Affirmations with Flutter
    Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something. This is a project that motivates to learn with positive reinforcement.
    K-Shaped recovery
    A K-shaped recovery encapsulates the idea that some industries in the economy will recover (or actually prevail in the context of Nepal), while others will decline or fail to recover nearly as quickly.
    Synthetic data based on pareto principle
    Creating a synthetic dataset for users and users transactions that demonstrate the Pareto principle. Compulsory fields include basic demographic information, email address, phone number, item number and price.
    You vs Bezos - Weber Fencher law
    The wealth difference between Elon Musk and YOU is smaller than between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.
    Data in News
    A proxy based indicator model to assess statistical literacy of a country.